I do wonder at the sanity of people who go to a race meeting on a freezing April day (certainly the temperature round here yesterday peaked at a balmy 9 degrees when the sun came out temporarily) in very little to cover themselves and in killer heels (which on grass is just daft). I'd be wrapped up warm in a thick coat, a hat, a scarf and flat shoes!! But I am an old fuddy duddy.
Still there are some lovely dresses here; but also some frocky horrors!
I doubt very much whether you could just turn up at Aintree and pay at the turnstiles. Tickets will have been bought well in advance so. no matter the weather, you either attend the meet or lose the money.
Sometimes when it was pouring with rain and i was preparing to pop to the local, my wife would say, "You're not going out in this, are you?" To which i'd always reply, "I go to work in this, don't i?"
I've got to be honest there's virtually nothing there I'd be seen dead in, the trouser suit was nice as were a couple of the tweed things but seriously most of those really are frocky horrors.
Yeah that is nice Mamya, I like the soft jersey slate grey dress very much, that's the sort of thing I wear a lot, and the guys looked pretty good on the whole compared to the ladies, but everyone was smiling so what does it matter anyway, they're having a great time :)
Oh I don't doubt they'd think I look like a bag lady Ken, I'm certainly not all that, but they do seem to have gone to an awful lot of trouble and expense to dress not suiting the weather or where they are going, so they must be frozen apart from anything else :) x
"Every bleedin' year....yawn." Come on Zac. You know that every year the Mail photographers descend on Aintree en masse under specific orders from the Photographic Ed to ignore those who have dressed sensibly/smartly/elegantly and just take shots of those whose threepennies are threatening to burst from their confines those tipsy ones who are flashing a bit too much inner thigh cellulite. Wait until tomorrow (Ladies Day).