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JinnyJoan | 22:59 Wed 26th Jun 2024 | Body & Soul
13 Answers

maybe I am repeating myself but got word today from doctor's to say that I have anaemia but they are going to start me on iron tablets next Monday - don't know why they are leaving it so late as I can barely walk - only inside too house

They have told me I will be on them for 6 weeks and I guess they will do another test to see if they work - if not another 6 weeks.  Jeepers could they not give me a wee transfusion or how can the difference be between B12 injections and the tablets as my sister gets B12 and my poor mother got them too. 

A big question will the oul tablets give me my strength again.  I am so fatigued - never had this before.  TIA



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Because you don't have a B12 deficiency, you have a folic acid deficiency.

They are not the same

Need to know test results to advise further. Anaemia does make you tired

Having B12 deficiency is not the same as having anaemia, although both can make you feel very tired.  

If you have B12 deficiency and anaemia, you would need iron tablets as well as the B12 injection. 

Barry. If I could start folic acid now will that be ok with anaemia tablets.  Also via blood test they gave me would b12 deficiency have shown up

Folic acid tablets are iron tablets

Yes, a B12 deficiency would have shown up but check that with your GP unless you can look at your blood test results online

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ok - thanks

Folic acid is NOT the same as iron tablets

Folic acid and iron tablets are not the same, but you can take both together to treat iron deficiency anaemia.

If it was me, I would buy myself some Floradix from the supermarket or Holland and Barrett. You can control how much you have, unlike tablets. It's very nice and will perk you up- It's an iron drink with lots of vitamins, so just have a small amount and see if it helps tide you over.

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thanks all - I really cant go on as I can barely walk.  Thank God for my beautiful car as when I get out of it to do things I park beside a pole so that I can hold on to the pole then the car to get out.  I've never had anything like this in my life.  And you know what people are helping me so I must appear like the oul woman that I am LOL

However again without much ado I was able to get Ferrous Funerate about 5 o'clock tonight - doctor gave me 3 months supply - feel like taking the 3 months to give me some strength LOL.

Not in my whole life have I slept - just up right now from sleeping at 7o'clock to now and the same last night.  This morning I wakened at 5 am to go to the toilet - says I to myself that's you girl - no I slept from 5 until 11.30am.  

Once I get some energy I will fly like Mary Poppins I hope.

Thanks for all your answers.

It sounds like more than anaemia to me.

Have they carried out an ECG on your heart?


My elderly mother has atrial fibrillation, and her symptoms sound like yours.

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well Hoppy - the doctor did examine me and then i got called for a blood test the following day so there's nothing more I can do 

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