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Only against other men.Men should not  be allowed to hit women.Shame on the IOC.
18:36 Sun 04th Aug 2024

As discussed in other threads.

IMO where the sex of an individual is debatable best err on the side of safety and put those contenders in a separate group.

Yes, with the other men.

Only against other men.

Men should not  be allowed to hit women.

Shame on the IOC.

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well said jth!!

Yes it has been discussed on another thread but those who defended these two so vehemently, isn't it a bit of a coincidence that both of them are now guaranteed a medal?? You think that is based just on skill?


no idea why the IOC seem to think they are better qualified to judge than the IBA.

The IOC should hang their heads in shame over this debacle.  No he should not be in a ring with a woman.

Who'd of thought the winner of an Olympic gold medal in womens boxing will probably be a biological male!!!!!!


no idea why the IOC seem to think they are better qualified to judge than the IBA.

yes you can ! they are judging different events

aaah you just said that to make an effect

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