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You Can't Keep A Good Man Down

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Ken4155 | 17:07 Sun 04th Aug 2024 | Other Sports
4 Answers

Just weeks after being soundly beaten by Alcaraz in the Wimbledon Final, the Djokoman gets his revenge and claims Gold at the Olympics.

Though he won in sraight sets, Djoko had to endure 2 tie-breaks. This is the one he needed to claim the full set. Well done Novak. Definitely the GOAT.



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This thread from 2009 appeared as a related one to an Andy Murray thread recently. Your Serbian mate is mentioned in it.

I saw the gorse set on IPlayer and then it moved to bbc1 and then it went to Gymnastics without any explanation at all.  I couldn't find it again on iPlayer. 

Really frustrating - as I only saw the first set.

Glad he won - he was the better player in the little I saw.


First not gorse !!!

Great to see how much it meant to him. No prize money or ranking points. Just the joy of competing and winning for his country. 

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