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Saturday Punt - 17 August

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Ken4155 | 09:30 Sat 17th Aug 2024 | Other Sports
2 Answers

A whistle-stop tour of racecourses north and south of the country, beckons us for today's ITV7. Beginning at HQ for the 2.05 first leg, then we take in 3 at Newbry, 2 at Ripon and 1 from Donny.

I would have said, "Up and down like a street-worker's knickers", only i have it on good authority that they don't wear any. Saves time, apparently, and, as we all know, time is money. 



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On handy to get out, whilst the weather is good, for a walk. Just done the 7 races so as to save time. ITV7 Plus ****E/W Acca, Win Trebles & Doubles. ###E/W Trixie.  Good Luck. 

Fine Interview  @17/2  2.05Nm#
The Big Board  @4/1  2.25Nb*
Sudden Ambush  @6/1  2.32D*
Ray Vonn  @11/2  2.45R*
Streets Of Gold  @9/1  3.00Nb#
Kitai  @10/1  3.20R#
English Oak  @11/4  3.35Nb*

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Best of luck with those, Togo.

Would most likely have popped over to Ripon today had my son not been sunning himself down in Cornwall. So my main bet comes from there;

2.45;  Roundhay Park @ 13/2 - 6 places

3.20;  Radio Goo Goo @ 10/1 - 5 places

3.50;  Garden Oasis @ 11/2 (RF/c with Al Muqdad)

4.24;  Little Ted @ 7/1 - 4 places

4 x £2 wins, 2 x £1 e.w. accas, 20p L15. 4 placed = £60, 4 winners = £8,734.

ITV7; above 2 qualifiers, plus; Strike*, Woolhampton*, Lady Of Arabia*, Waleefy* & English Oak. £1 e.w. acca.

*denotes L15, 2 x e.w. accas for a poss £1,779.

Best of luck, all.

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Saturday Punt - 17 August

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