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I should've gone

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joggerjayne | 16:59 Sat 27th Aug 2011 | Sport
8 Answers
We just won 2-0.

I could've gone to the game, but I felt too lethargic.

Now I think I should've gone.

I haven't been this season.


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Tut Tut! :-(
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I know, I know.

It just feels like a bit of a trek out to Falmer.

And they don't need me any more. They get 20,000 or something up there.
JJ while you're on can you recommend a good dentist in B&H please?
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I'm not an expert on dentists!

Private, or not?

I suppose in Hove they'd all be private, LOL.
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Have you tried the online Home Page of The Arsegas?

If you click "Info" then "Health" then "Dentists in B&H" ...

... there's a load of contact details, and you can find one in your area ...

("darkest Hove, beyond the floral clock", or wherever)
JJ thanks, I have looked them up but I want to make sure I get a good one (private) and just wondered if you knew of one. I would even venture past the Clock if I had to:-( X
Have you not being to your new stadia yet then JJ? It does look quite impressive.
Ive got a season ticket out there jayne as i only live in Lewes. I get the bus as it's pretty direct and cheaper than the train.

Playing bloody well this season but with Palace, Leeds and Liverpool being the next 3 home games, it ain't gonna be easy.

of course, then the mighty Hammers visit on 22nd Oct !!!!!!!

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I should've gone

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