I am neither for nor against Scotland. But the great debate over sporting prowess is nothing compared to the endless battles fought between England and Scotland in the long distant past, and i firmly believe that is at the heart of the so called dislike of England and the English. However having visited Scotland numerous time, i can say they are a generous, kind people, and i have the utmost regard for those i met. But when in England the Scots display a Braveheart mentality, no one but the Scots are brave, and the English are devils, and having listened most patiently while these debates raged between my Scottish friends, i kindly reminded them that they were enjoying the fruits of England, living, working and earning their crusts here, and if Scotland was so wondeful a place, suggested they perhaps should return to the land of their birth, as that seemed preferable from their perspective. Most just hurrumphed and got on with supping their English ale, followed by the obligatory English pork pie.
Rich47, i hope you don't take offence, as none is intended.