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100 metres. So what?

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doctordb | 08:32 Fri 27th Jul 2012 | Sport
45 Answers
Why do people get excited by someone running in a straight line for 10 seconds? No tactics, no mental anguish, no emotion, no gut busting challenge.

10,000 metres, now that deserves respect.


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This thread has been running for more than 5 hours.
13:48 Fri 27th Jul 2012
Ask Insane Bolt.
2 cakes on the finishing line and I'll be there.
I love the 100 metres...............all those fit men wearing lycra (oh god I'm dribbling)
''No tactics, no mental anguish, no emotion, no gut busting challenge''

Well done: wrong on all 4 counts.
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Snags, I can think of only one way to run the 100 metres; Hear the gun. Run like mad.
snags....I agree with 3 of your points , but wonder what are the tactics in the 100metres other than getting to the other end first?
It's all about who is out of the blocks first in the 100 metres. First out first home, that is the tactic.
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Not true eccles, some like to attack from behind. Damn, i'm arguing against myself.
Eccles...that is not a tactic ( which has alternatives) that is obligatory with no alternative.
Doctorb, please name a high ranking athlete from the last ten years who does that.
squad; // what are the tactics in the 100metres other than getting to the other end first?// Getting away to a good start in order to do so?
doctordb; If your objection is on the grounds of its brevity, you could rule out many other events; including long and high jumps, weightlifting, javelin,and shot putting.
Sqad, my definition of tactics is to have a plan to deliver a desired outcome.

The incredible level of control required since the introduction of electronic blocks has added an enormous amount of precision to the starts.
It would be good if a streaker won.............
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Getting a good start is a technical requirement not a tactic.
You really are contradicting yourself doctorb!

Sqad, I just love the way you say ......OK, I don't know if it your intention but you seem to squeeze an awful lot of condescension couple with a teenagers 'whatever' into just a few characters.......or am I reading it wrong?>
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Khandro, I don't have an objection to the 100 metres I just don't see why it gets so much hype compared to the other races, which in my opinion are more demanding and intresting.
^^^ Hell, I don't know about reading things wrongly but my typing is definitely wrong!
Eccles......for Christ's sake I haven't analysed it whichever way is least contentious.
Sorry Sqad, I'm not trying to over analyse, just understand. OK can be used in may ways:-

OK - I agree
OK - That's your view
OK - I hadn't thought of that
OK - You are mind-numbingly stupid and I don't want to continue this interaction.

A lot gets lost with out the intonation and facial expressions of face to face conversation.

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100 metres. So what?

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