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EcclesCake | 13:50 Mon 09th Jun 2014 | ChatterBank
114 Answers
I was impressed to see a fellow ABer being congratulated for achieving 1000 best answers and was further impressed to discover that she has never asked a question! A very generous individual indeed! Similarly there are posters who only ever ask but never give answers in any category.

It made me think about my motivation for being on AB and the other posters some of which are clearly givers and takers.

I think I give and take in fairly equal measure, how would you categorise yourself?


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I give 174.26 answers for every question I have posted.

I think that makes me more of a Giver......but a lot of what I post gets Taken offence at, so......who knows? :o)
There must be a lot of 'silent' takers . I visited AB on and off for a couple of years before signing up, as a query on Google usually took me to AB and the answer. In fact I did not realise it was a 'social' site until I kept seeing the same posters month after month. I think its more likely that most people have more 'answers' than 'questions' as its human nature to want to get your penneth in, so to speak .
I like to think I do both

I try and answer questions, but quite often someone has beaten me to it.

I first came on here in June 2008 to ask a question, and just seemed to have stuck around.

I'm unsure why but I categorise myself as reluctant to ask questions. even though I have many things I could ask about. I prefer to answer in the hope it either helps, or raises a smile.
I put some really funny jokes on in the early hours...someone took offence:-(
Question Author
Funnily enough Jack I have been playing with my Q/A/BA ratio and that of others.....I really should get on with some work.

I don't think you've ever offended me, you seem to be one of the more grounded and rational contributors!
I like to think I keep the site grounded and sane. If I can, I help out in DIY and technology.....xx

^I also have a vivid imagination....☻

Think I give more than I take

Questions: 85 . . . Answers: 31533 . . . Best Answers: 575

By Jack's rating, . . . 370 to 1

Question Author
It's an attractive quality Baldric ;-)
I joined to counter the obvious left-wing bias. But now I've grown quite fond of people, even some muesli-munchers, here.
Just had a wee peek at mine, not something I pay much attention to usually.
Questions: 766
Answers: 8425
Best Answers: 105

I'll leave someone much wiser than I to work out the percentages - if anyone can be bothered that is!
BEST ANSWERS are an index of...........NOTHING.

To congratulate an Aber of achieving ANYTHING from BEST ANSWERS is infantile.

Jack of all trades masters of none comes to mind.
It is a very difficult equation to make just based on figures - my profile shows 1,650 questions but at least 1,300 of those are (the ever interminable lol) 'Night Night' songs, approx a 100 (Original) openings of the MOFC, and any number of Birthday wishes.

So a few 'real' questions as such.

Answers 75,684.
^ Phew!! Glad I didn't count my Bestys - never looked.
I need a bit of clarification here. When you as a question the number increases by 1. When you then post answers to people in that thread, does the answer quantity increase by the number of replies you have given?
I like to think that I have taken more out of AB than it has taken out of me. It helps me pass the time that I might otherwise be using to read, write, study, and cogitate.
Am I a giver or a taker?

No idea and i couldn't care a "toss."
Question Author
Oh my! I didn't mean to poke the bear.....go back to sleep Sqad and try the other side of the bed to get out of when you wake up.....
(He's not well you know...)
I only very rarely post a 'genuine' question (although that's actually what brought me to AB in the first place). Most of my 'questions' are no more than announcements about crosswords, congratulatory messages to people who've provided lots of 'best answers', and posts to start a thread in CB.

I make it fewer than 10 'genuine' questions, out of 106 posted here but, with approaching 40,000 answers (including over 1000 'best answers'), I suppose that I might just qualify as a 'giver' ;-)

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