Famous name maybe but.....£30.000 in a month to fund his private recovery. This seems a trend these days to fund this and that. A good cause maybe, but not all and sundry.
On our local news and papers it has a fund running for £10.000 to help pay the bills and day to day living expenses for a couple badly injured in the shootings a few weeks back.
While I am not against funding for special needs I do wonder who else will jump on this bandwagon.
I was recently put in the awkward situation of being invited to an event to raise money to send my friends profoundly disabled grand daughter to the US for treatment. Fortunately I was unable to attend due to other commitments, I did offer myself up as a lot in the auction though.
I'm happier to see money spent on research that will help the many rather than funding for individuals.
His manager has set up this fund, not Jimmy or the family. no doubt he takes his usual percentage which keeps him in work. Only the gullible need give.