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Chinese G P Well Done To Danny Ric And The Red Bull Team....

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ToraToraTora | 10:10 Sun 15th Apr 2018 | Sport
15 Answers
Engine change pre qualifying, 2 double stack pit stops, brilliant tyre change under the SC. How to take it to Merc and Ferrari. Normally a Hamilton supporter I can appreciate what they did today. added bonus, Alonso gets past Vettel, wonderful.


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Pleased for Alonso and red bull. F1 needs mixing up a bit.

You might get some ‘spolier’ comments Tora! Not from me tho ;-)
Ferrari messed up yet again with a late pit call..they must be the most expensive botchers in the pit lane.The drivers give it all and the team take it away.
Yeah, you blooming well should have put a spoiler alert comment, TTT. We don’t all have Sky.
(See, told ya)
What an utter James, putting a bunny on the old Tiny-Max.
Probably best to say nothing now when a deliberate spoiler is posted, Chrissa......Ed does nothing about it......but I guess the hand rubbing with glee little boys get a bit more pleasure in a dull day and maybe we should let them have that.....x
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cobras, it's all over everywhere 5 mins after the race anyway.
That's as may be.....but it still takes a peculiar and rather immature mind to go out of the way to get a spoiler on here.
Not everyone who posts in Sport has a sporting nature.
True indeed, Mamya.......a rather warped nature rather than a sporting one..
Time the Ed put these spoiler enthusiasts on the naughty step for a a good long time...x
Yes full credit to the RB boys and girls.

A bit of luck - yes. But they made the most of their good fortune and still had to work for it with the stacked pitstop under the SC. Excellent to see the boy Vettel getting mugged by Fernando.

Always good to see Danny Ric win. He's a good sport and it's always a laugh to see him on the podium. I notice Martin B declined to drink the shampoo from his shoe. He blamed the illness he suffered last year on doing just that! Anyone know how Danny Ric sustained his "fat lip"?
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have a day off, ok, it wasn't deliberate, I hate spoilers too, i just didn't think. Apologies i'll try and remember next time.
He bit it during the race last week and keeps catching it with his teeth, further aggravating it, NJ.
When I have to watch the Channel 4 highlights, I deliberately stay away from things like the Lunchtime News where it might be mentioned.

If you had simply put “Chinese GP” as your title, I would have avoided it like the plague, TTT.

Thanks for the apology though.
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yeah sorry Chrissa, next time I'll be more careful.

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Chinese G P Well Done To Danny Ric And The Red Bull Team....

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