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Break Dancing

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Canary42 | 22:43 Tue 08th Dec 2020 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
I see that Break Dancing is to be introduced as a competitive sport in the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris.

While I think it can look impressive, I hardly see it as a competitive sport.


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it soes sound rather odd, doesn't it? Are there set moves to perform, like diving or gymnastics? They're the only ones I can think of where subjective views of aesthetics may play a part.
Quote: "Competitors - known as b-boys and b-girls - are not only judged on technical skill but also creativity and style, with strength, speed, rhythm and agility all considered".


Is that really so different from, say, ice dancing (or indeed, for fans of 'Strictly', ballroom dancing?). They're both highly competitive sports.
I think I'd enjoy watchimg break dancing as a competitive sport. I find it quite fascinating.
^Synchronised swimming, dressage. I think we have enough events scored subjectively and as far as possible should stick to Citius, altius, fortius
Can we have Disco Dancing then?
^^^ I suggest a competition for 'Dad Dancing', Andy. I feel sure that we could both excel in it ;-)
Sounds great, just so long as we have jiving and the twist too!
seems a bit daft to be honest.
Same can be said of gymnasts with those hoops / balls , for example
its changed a lot in the last long while, some sports were considered manly like discus, shot put, javelin, but to add in break dancing its not really a sport as such, at least i don't think it is
Probably added to appease the BLM brigade
I think it’s time for squash to be an Olympic event before break-dancing.
I might have a crack at that after a good session.
It's rather odd isn't it that tennis is in the games , but not squash
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/// I suggest a competition for 'Dad Dancing', ///

Now that [i[ would [i] be worth watching ;-)
I'd tune in for that one Canary. :-))
I really don't gel with events whose outcome is a matter of opinion, even if it's the combined opinion of several people. I realise that opinion nearly always comes in (eg, was that a penalty?) but when the placings are solely based on the opinion of "experts" I can't take them seriously. When I was young a friend of my parents used to breed and show dogs; I once heard him say "The judge is Fred Bloggs today, I don't expect better than third". The Olympic motto is "Higher, faster, longer", which doesn't include nicer, more artistic etc.

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