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Snooker Misses

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Cloverjo | 14:32 Wed 05th May 2021 | Sport
54 Answers
I love snooker and thought I understood the rules, but....
I’ve seen players play and miss, and a foul and miss has been called. The opponent can ask for the balls to be replaced. Sometimes it seems there is no limit but other times I’ve seen the player warned that if he doesn’t get it on his third attempt he’ll lose the frame.
What’s the difference, please?


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I can see what everhelpful is getting at

If you pot a red you normally then go on to pot 'a colour ' next .
So why do you have to nominate a specific colour .

If you hit a different colour to the one you intended in your mind ; but hit any other colour - why should it matter
Tora,so it is at the discretion of the Referee whether to ask for a Colour to be nominated?
That's what I meant,Bazile.
everhelpful, yes but normally the player will pre empy the need because they can see that the choice is not obvious

bazille read my answers at 19:54 and 20:05
"If you hit a different colour to the one you intended in your mind ; but hit any other colour - why should it matter" - because that's a foul.
Thanks again,Tora.
even in club snooker if you are on a colour and there is any doubt you voluntarily nominate as a courtesy and if you don't the opponent, if they think it's unclear will ask you "colour?" before you take the shot.
I know tora

I was simply clarifying what he was thinking
Thanks to you as well Bazile.
This involves an incident from a good few year ago when the Ref hadn't heard the colour being nominated.
1.Who won that particular frame ?

2. Who won the match ?
I looked it up and Higgins won that frame and went on to win 9-7, it was the semi-final of the 1984 UK Championship.
Higgins 6-5 down, pulls back to 6-6 by "winning" that frame, and goes on to win 9-7. Not Higgins's finest hour. Or the ref's.
These days, the audio would be taken into account so it's unlikey to happen again.
The ref and Higgins were calling Thorburn a cheat. He said he'd said green, the crowd backed him up, but the ref and Higgins both claimed they didn't hear it and therefore he effectively didn't say it, even though he said he did ... and he did.

I'm not 100% sure of the rules but I believe it's the player's job to call the colour, not check that the ref has heard it. He certainly called it loud enough for the crowd to hear.
If the Ref said he didn't hear it, he didn't hear it and his decision is final.

There were three folk involved and two of them said they hadn't heard the call.

I can't mind on who it was but there was a game on tv in the past few year when the player just missed the ball at the opposite end and the Ref called a foul.

The player insisted he just touched it before the cue ball rebounded and the Ref changed his decision. From memory, the pictures showed no movement and the commentators said the Ref should have stuck to his guns.
> If the Ref said he didn't hear it, he didn't hear it and his decision is final.

Yes, thanks for pointing that out, TCL ...
Was there anything stopping the ref from asking Thorburn which ball he was nominating ?
baz, no and they do these days, perhaps that incident started it. The ref must be mutton I could hear it.
"The ref and Higgins were calling Thorburn a cheat"

Was Thorburn not saying the same about the Ref and Higgins?

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