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melv16 | 19:42 Sun 21st Jul 2024 | Sport
5 Answers

I've just watched a bit on TV. 

Only the Irish could invent a game like this!



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It sounds more exciting than our Curling.

If you are referring to the Clare V Cork game today it was absolutely thrilling, such a skilful sport

Shinty in Scotland is similar


Absolutely fascinating game. Never seen it before and watched out of curiosity. Wasn't it nice to see the red and yellow fans in the crowd all mixed up together?

If you live in the Manchester area, you can watch amateur Hurling at weekends on Hough End Playing Fields, next to Princess Parkway.

When we were at school back in the sixties, we used to go watching Hurling on Bowlee Playing Fields in Middleton, specifically to see our parish priest, Fr. Fitzgerald, who was a regular player. The good thing about it was that he was always getting sent off for fighting or swearing, or both. A pocket battleship he was. Great fun! Great days! 

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