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Hungarian G P ......

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ToraToraTora | 20:28 Sun 21st Jul 2024 | Sport
15 Answers

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It could be as simple as Andrea Stella is unable to leave his Ferrari tendecies behind when it comes to strategy.To happier matters though, Verstappen upending himself as he arrived out of control on a bend already occupied by a real champion was a moment of joy for me.He does indeed only sing when he's winning, and that's becoming just another memory.Thank...
10:19 Mon 22nd Jul 2024
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What a ridiculous play by McLaren. Norris should have stayed there in my opinion, he was much faster than Piastri. He got the lead through an undercut, that's an accepted tac tic. Madness to ask him to move over.

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..Also Norris is the one battling Vestappen, what a cork up!

Yep, it is not a race anymore.   
Team orders means that the man in front has to yield.  
A complete farce for the viewing public.   
And an hollow win for the man who first crossed the winning line because the race leader let him get in front.

What a farce of a sport F1 has become.

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I don't see why Piastri had a right to the place anyway. He was undercut in the pit stops, fair enough but he was slower and Norris repeatedly said he'd let him through if he got up to him, in the end he was 6 seconds behind and Norris had to lift off to let him catch up. They had a one two and the whole team was like they'd lost! Madness.

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If Norris loses the title by fewer than 7 points then they'll be kicking themselves.

It could be worse.   
They could let Brad Pitt win 😀




Norris was on used tyres, Piastri was on new tyres and were two laps younger than Norris's used ones, and yet Norris was extending his lead. Had Piastri pitted before Norris, based on Norris's pace it is likely he would have overtaken Piastri.


This was a hollow victory.


It would appear the RB is no longer the dominant force and the playing field has ben levelled, which is great, and it was funny to listen to Verstappen having petulant tantrums because things weren't going his way 

I also watched this - I dread to think what Norris had to say to his team afterwards! 

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No one at McLaren talked about it publicy but I bet there were ructions privately. Piastri has a win but I bet even he wont be happy until he gets a real one.

Surprised no one has mentioned the constant infantile whining of Max throughout the race. He may have won the last championship but he`s no champion.

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09:53, read DD at 09:01

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Yeah Verstappen was throwing the toys right out of the pram, at one point his race engineer more or less said he was being childish.

It could be as simple as Andrea Stella is unable to leave his Ferrari tendecies behind when it comes to strategy.

To happier matters though, Verstappen upending himself as he arrived out of control on a bend already occupied by a real champion was a moment of joy for me.

He does indeed only sing when he's winning, and that's becoming just another memory.

Thank you Mr Newey, for walking away from this toxic organisation and removing their edge.

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As much as it pains me dougie, I'm going to give you BA for that!

And I accept it in the spirit it was given. 😂

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