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Belgian Grand Prix.....

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ToraToraTora | 20:56 Sun 28th Jul 2024 | Sport
5 Answers

*** spoiler ***



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Gutted for George Russell, great race for a change:


Spoiler. Don't most cars have them?

I did think Russell's car looked a bit lighter!

Yes, great race. But I'm sure Lewis would not want to win in that way.

F1 needs to be careful. It went through a period 20 or 30 years ago where results were changed hours, even days after the race. It put a lot of people off. That said:

When there's an absolute rule then it must be obeyed absolutely.

Unless it's to do with safety cars and thuggish usurping of the championship.

It's like George Russell has his own cloud of doom hovering above to thwart his inspiration.

Plenty more chances for this impressive young man though.

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Belgian Grand Prix.....

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