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With Respect Simon Biles Is Much Overrated

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CrapatCryptics2 | 08:05 Wed 31st Jul 2024 | Sport
4 Answers

Please take a few moments watch some of Katelynn O`hashis routines on Youtube. She had to leave the sport due to trolling and innjury. She was the full package, fun, talent and originality. No other gymnast raised the room and her team mates the way she did.



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Agreed...Katelyn Ohashi has never been in an Olympics, but a far better/entertaining gymnast. How she does that tumble to splits and bounce straight back up to standing is beyond me!,vid:4ic7RNS4Dfo,st:0

That didn't work, try this.

Or even this!


Sorry, first clip didn't seem to work...think I need more sleep!!

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With Respect Simon Biles Is Much Overrated

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