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Olympics - Wed 31St - A Thread For Results And Chat

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AnOtherMod | 22:52 Tue 30th Jul 2024 | Sport
3 Answers

A thread for real-time discussion and appreciation of Olympic events on Wednesday 31st July.  

Will contain spoilers and results, so don't look if you don't want to know.



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What can I say - ladies in the rowing quads - gold !! Alex Yee in the men's triathlon - came from well behind the kiwi to win gold !! Brilliant morning. Well done GB.


Absolutely fantastic, a great day.

I watched both of those events as they happened. Absolutely fantastic. I couldn't believe the Yee finish, then it got even better a few minutes later with the rowing girls. Well done kids! But what about that 16 yr old British girl in the archery? What an ordeal! To be up against the French girl in a shoot out and win it handsomely was absolutely brilliant, especially with all the French crowd trying to put her off. She deserves the gold medal now!

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Olympics - Wed 31St - A Thread For Results And Chat

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