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Graham Thorpe Rip

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drmorgans | 10:51 Mon 05th Aug 2024 | Sport
11 Answers


Just 55. Played for Surrey and England, 100 Tests, with a highest score of 200 not against New Zealand in Christchurch.

A great batsman and a decent bloke, according to his former teammates.




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I've just seen it on the news and was going to post, but checked and saw this thread. I'm shocked- he was so young. 

Very sad news, he was a fine cricketer & 55 is no age at all.

RIP Graham.

I watched Graham play on many occasions, normally as a member of the opposition team in County Cricket.  I also saw Graham represent England in international matches.  So sorry to lose him, R.I.P Graham.


RIP to a great batsman. Such a shame. According to David Gower on Radio 4 this morning, it was not a surprise to those close to him. A cryptic press release on May 10 2022 said:

Graham Thorpe has recently fallen seriously ill and is currently in hospital receiving treatment. His prognosis is unclear at this stage and we ask for privacy for him and his family at this time. Our thoughts are with Graham and his family.

the presenter on the news tonite seemed to be implying self-harm

No age at all.  Very sad news.

RIP to a great man and cricketer.

I got to play alongside him in Shanghai - we organised the first match between Shanghai and Hong Kong since 1959 - we were on a hiding to nothing as the HK team was stuffed full of county-equivalent players. My next-door neighbour who ran Barings at the time, knew Roopie and out he came as a ringer - we lost but honourably! He came across as being very nice indeed.

The trophy by the way was the old plaque off the Royal Shanghai CC - when you ask an expat what they would take with them in an emergency evacuation after clothing and important papers, most folk would reply 'photos'....not this bachelor who went down to the cricket club and unscrewed the plaque off the wall to carry it out of China with him!

More information has been posted here:

Hi DTC- Did you mean Roopie (Graham Roope) or Graham Thorpe or did you get to play with both? Both great players, both no longer with us, although Roopie was more 1970s and passed nearly 20 years ago

sorry, Roopie - but Thorpie, I saw in action many a time and played 'against him once, our charity team known as 'Old Herpesians', the cricket sweater a band of eight colours to represent the 'infliction'.

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