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Bazile | 21:50 Sat 03rd Aug 2024 | Sport
7 Answers

Why are head protection worn in some and not all matches ?



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They're worn in amateur bouts but not in professional fights.

I don't know why not.



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I meant the Olympics 




Maybe only the genuine amateurs get a hat.

Amateur men have had the option to wear head protection or no since 2016 but amateur woman must wear head protection.

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So men's brains are less susceptible to damage from being pounded on the head , than women ?

Very odd 

"Head protection is not mandatory for men after a study by the Global Sport Institute found that headgear was more likely to cause a concussion. But, with insufficient data gathered on female competitors, it was decided that head protection would remain mandatory for them."

As there aren't enough data about female boxers, the protection remains.

In a sport where brain damage - at the time undetermined, is the object of the exercise, it would suggest that protection is redundant anyway.

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