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Women’s Skateboarding

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Tyrion44 | 17:25 Tue 06th Aug 2024 | Sport
2 Answers

Is there anyone watching the skateboarding who can tell me who the woman with long, blonde, curly hair is? She appeared to start the event by ceremoniously banging a stick on the floor. Thanks



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Don't know who she is but this explains why it's done.

"At each venue, to mark the beginning of any event, a former or current sportman or sportswoman, a volunteer, public figure or often a completely anonymous person will give three blows to the ground with a piece of wood. Inspired by french theatre, this tradition has found its place in sport since Wedesday."

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Thanks  Corby. Interesting! hadn't seen it before as I am only dipping in and out of coverage.

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Women’s Skateboarding

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