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The facts surrounding both these boxers have been available for weeks.They are men - various Boxing federations have prevented them from boxing against women, only the IOC decided to ignore this and allow them to thump women on prime time TV.It is shameful.
10:12 Wed 07th Aug 2024

This is really old news, Tora.

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it happened 10 minutes ago.

I was referring to the Italian girl.

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I wasn't, this is not old news, it just happened in the Olympic 66kg semi final.

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did you even look at the link?

No. ☚ī¸


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May I urge you to do so in future.


Well done Imane. I hope that she goes on to win the  Gold.

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so you approve of men punching women then andres?

She is a woman.

Shameful.....utterly shameful.

It makes me sick to my stomach and incandescent with rage in equal measure.

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andres, do they do biology on your planet? XY = geezer, end of.

You can be very insulting at times TTT. 20 years working in the NHS did give me an insight into the many biological differences in people. 

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How is it insulting? You should stop it with the trendy BS, surely  you know that a Y chromosome = bloke, end of.

More details are being revealed about the deceptions being perpetrated by, and for, these two charlatans.

Men shouldn't be allowed to hit women.

It's insulting to keep calling her a man TTT.


It's more insulting to expect women to shut up and 'be kind' to men who are carrying out a charade for their own gratifications.

These boxers are proven to be men.

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22:45 it's insulting to real women not to. It's also insulting and down right dangerous to let him punch women in the head.

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Man Beats Woman At Boxing.....shocker!

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