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Facebook hundreds of friends?

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Velvetee | 15:12 Fri 09th May 2008 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
Looking at people's profiles on Facebook, many have hundreds of people in their Friends Lists. Are there really people out there with hundreds of friends?

They also all seem to be have wonderful debauched lifestyles, if their photos are anything to go by.

Am I the only person in the world who doesn't have hundreds of friends and who isn't out every weekend partying?


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They are human beings so on average they have 140 friends (I did this in an evolutionary science class, might be bollox lol).
I have one friend who has 750 friends. Christmas card night is a bitch, I tells ya.
These people must meet folk at parties and go 'ooh ooh, facebook me dahling'. So sad.
I have 170 odd :-) some are abers but others are old school friends, I would call all my friends and some people that request to be my friend I do ignore, so its not just as if I accept anyone
I know some people who have 300+ friends, its more about association than a real friend, they ask their friends friends to add them, and their friends ask their friends and so on.
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and then theres my mates that arent on FB :-)
I have 200-odd, but they're mostly aquaintances. I don't add anyone I don't know, though. Actually, I think most of them are old school mates, but if I see them out and they ignore me, I'll delete them. :)
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Click on privacy in the top right hand corner in facebook then at the bottom of that page there is a block person field, just type the name of the person you want to remove/block in there and click block to get rid of them totally.

Hope it helped :)
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Think I've got about 50 but one of my mates has over 400, but then I think that's because she's a singer so gets to meet a lot of people that way so probably more acquaintances (sp?) than anything else!!
I think a lot of the people in question see it as a popularity contest, I know one of my friends on Facebook does. She's added hundreds of people - well OK, men(!) - to her list who she has never met, but I think, like pa__ul she does it to have a bit of a flirt. She's a single girl, so that's up to her.

To delete someone, click on their profile and scroll right to the bottom of the page where it should say 'remove from friend list' or similar.
I joined I've now got 30 friends and I can't keep up with them!!!. I don't think I'll ever get the hang of it to be honest, to old I think lol....My niece made me join bebo now that place is just crazy ...I've now got 850 friends!! I'm going to sack that...
no worries,

Oh and worst I've seen on FB is someone with over 3000 friends.... now they can't possibly know that many people!!
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Wellllll, I shouldn't really say that on here! Why, do you think you may know her? Or do you want to add her?! Lol!!
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I'll bear that in mind pa__ul!! I'm sure she'd be up for that!! Lmfao!!
I think I have 50 too, most of them are from here though and only a few are real life friends....oh and one's my daughter.
I've got about 70, but they're all real-life friends...apart from Dave Gorman who I just added because he let me!!
I have 12 people in my friends list,two of those are my younger brothers and the rest are nice people off the Chatterbankers FB group. :-)

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Facebook hundreds of friends?

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