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entering as eng/gb/uk

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mollykins | 09:50 Sun 14th Feb 2010 | Sport
42 Answers
1) why is it that in different competitions, we are entered either as England/ Great Britain/ Uk?

2) plus we haven't even got a gb flag, we end up using the uk flag, couldn't a knew gb flag be made up, from the uk flag, but without the n.i. cross, and with a little dragon in the middle perhaps to represent Wales?


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England (St. George cross) has only won the world cup once.............
That doesn't mean that the Scots (saltaire), Welsh (dragon), Northern Irish (Red hand of Ulster) or Southern Irish (Tricolour) shouldn't, don't or can't compete under their own flag/nation.............
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i meant a little bit of northern and republic irish . . .
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yeah but if we amalgamated the best players from each part of gb, then we could have an even better team.
And then they would play under your newly designed flag.............but no-one from N.I. would be allowed to play ?
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Shay Given ?
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Hi mollykins- you have twice made the statement "i'm saying that there is a gb flag which is basically english and scottish" .
Is there? Im not awre of one. There are flags for England, Wales and Scotland and there's the Northern ireland Saltire; there' s also teh union flag. But what is this GB flag- have you got a link because I don't know what it looks like
This question is a wind up.
Can't believe anybody fell for it!
but more importantly wba, it got the gums flapping ;)
Lol! I suppose you're right Cazz...;-)
Even though it is the UK that will be hosting the Olympics in 2012 and Team GB is the name given to this country's Olympic team, they will be representing the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. In many sporting events we compete as GB & NI rather than the UK. I have said before, it is not right that the Olympic team is called Team GB as if Ulster folk are ignored, For the record, there was a GB flag until the UK was formed in 1801.
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If any of you had been bothered to read the links kindly given to you, you would see that there is a gb flag for the island of great britainw hich doesn't inlude ireland in any way shape or form.So if we compete as great britain why don't we use the great britain flag not the uk and if we do compete as the uk why don't we say the uk if thats what we do in the olympics.
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kindly given to you by ahms.
Oh mollykins, I assure you I have been bothered to look at the links but I have not seen this GB flag.
Can you point it out for me?
Is it different from the UK flag (which does indeed include the Irish saltire)?
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i just looked and saw that its not the flag of britain any more, there isn't one anymore, but in this time of rediculous political correctness it should be brought back to use when the team is called great britain.
Got there in the end!
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but do you see what i mean? some thing we do rubbish in as seperate countries so why don't we do what we do for the olympics and amalgamate into great britian/uk

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