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Do Rugby Players know

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brionon | 17:03 Thu 18th Feb 2010 | Sport
9 Answers
That if they kick the ball forward the Other Side gets it,do you think ?


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They can also pass and run with the ball too... someone tell England...
they could try
not if they're scottish............
not if one of their own players starts off behind the line of the ball (i.e. is onside) and gets to it first
craft, look......... we can't be good at every thing :)
well at least you've got 1 decent tennis player more than we have........having said that when he wins I do remind people that my father was scottish.............
I met Mrs McM at a rugby match. She'd just scored a try!
I'll have a scrum with crafty any day of the week...:0) x
and we are still world champions at haggis bashing, craft

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