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offside rule

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mollykins | 14:38 Wed 16th Jun 2010 | Sport
9 Answers
what is the point in it?


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To stop the attacking team having too much of an advantage.
So the players don't all stand around the goal mouth waiting for someone to hoof a ball in.
To stop players hovering around the goal mouth waiting for long balls to be passed in to them. (ala Gary Liniker)
It's to stop strikers being able to just stand up beside the opposing goalkeeper and just wait for the ball to come to them.
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The defence should be better then.
How could the defence be better if someone is stood next to the goalkeeper? It would make for a boring game
The only defence would be the goalkeeper if there was no offside rule.
Same reason you can't just lob a netball from one circle into the other...
It would be like watching 7 year old playing football with a tennis ball....

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offside rule

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