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Ireland beating England at cricket.

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flobadob | 23:52 Thu 03rd Mar 2011 | Sport
9 Answers
Did that put England out of it?


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It must have put their nose out of joint
Don't think so.
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Is it like a league thing scotman or is it just like normal were teams play each other 53 times before there's a winner?
No. They are not out of the competition yet.

The top 4 teams qualify for the quarter-finals. England are third in Group B, with three points. They still have to play South Africa, West Indies and Bangladesh.
As I understand it there are mini leagues to select the teams to go forward to the knockout stages. Not following it all that closely.
There are 7 teams in England's group, with the top 4 qualifying for the quarter-finals. As things stand, only the Netherlands are currently eliminated from the next stage. See here:

Oh, I see that Judge N can type faster than me ;-)
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Why is it we can always beat the English but not teams worse than England in almost every sport?
Flobadob..How many sports do you play England at?
I can think of Rugby Union,Football and Cricket....You might find England have won more than they have lost against Ireland in these sports over the years.
You don't "always" beat us.

I'm in no way deriding Irelands win in the cricket by the way, it was a magnificent performance.

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Ireland beating England at cricket.

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