Welcome To The AnswerBank Technology. This is the place to ask for technical support, whether you need some help with your Windows PC or your Mac, troubleshooting computer problems, or choosing a new smartphone. Please take the time to use the red search bar at the top of the page before asking your question.
After a recent windows update (made by them ... not me) I am unable to play music via my headphones or, in fact, get any sound at all. Has this happened to anyone else and do you know how to fix... ...
I was using OneCommander folder organiser software & while the folder full of files was moving, OneCommander just closed suddenly. Now there is a folder with the same name in the new drive but with... ...
Hi techies. I have of late been using gmail. But its become a bit of a pain in the neck. Every time i try to open an email i get sent to the bottom of the page to read it, which is practically... ...
Ok I understand AI is short for Artificial Intelligence. But what do we really understand about it, and how do we expect it to affect our lives. My understanding of AI all be it not that MUCH,... ...
Usually, when I insert a slide into Powerpint, it allows me to centre it by showing me a red horizontal and a red vertical line. When I centre them, the slide is dead centre. For some reason, the... ...
I want to unitsall and reinstall my Office 2016 on my Windows 10 desktop. I get a message - 'Something went wrong' and giving me a 'Go online for help' link which doesn't work anymore. Any ideas... ...
Can anyone help me with this issue I have with the music on my iphone. I have the app, and within it there are several albums of music, not purchased or downloaded but recorded on a laptop and... ...
Colour cartridge.. Coming up as Low, but I only use the black cartridge. Will the black still work if I don't replace the colour cartridge? Thanks all.
I'm doing a project for collage and need to make a app. If you could develop an app what would it be? what kind of app you are missing in your life? What kind of app would you like to see on the...
When I click send and receive I get a failure message - Task POP3 - receiving report error (0x80040900): The server name you entered can not be found on the network. This is on a new computer, when I...
The charge port on this phone is damaged so it is not possible to charge the battery. It is easy to extract the battery from the phone (Battery type LGIP-580A). Is there a charger available which... ...
I have just become an Accredited Lecturer for The Arts Society. I need to aquire a portable sound system that will fill the average size lecture venue - say three hundred people, that I can link to... ...
Just wondering what people think is the absolute best note taking & note keeping app? (NOT Google Keep) For writing. I want something that syncs easily between PC & Android. That has a desktop app,... ...