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Unwanted Updates On Startup

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Khandro | 12:50 Fri 21st Dec 2012 | Computers
4 Answers
I'm trying to encourage the use of a new laptop to someone who is rather lo-tech (though I'm no expert myself). The constant requests to update, from adobe, Toshiba and windows etc. which keep appearing on startup are particularly confusing to her.
Is there any way that these can be eliminated, or at least minimised please?


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You need to go into each product and turn off any option for automatic updates.

For example if you go into Windows Update there will be an option saying "Change Settings" and if you go in there you get an option "Never check for updates".

If you set this on then Windows will never check for updates, though it will be a good idea to manually install these updates on a regular basis for security reasons.

You also need to go into the Toshiba program (it will be on the main Windows menu somewhere) and go into somethiong like "Options" or "Settings" (or similar) and turn off any automatic updating.

You may be able to change the Toshiba program so it does not start when the computer starts.

Adobe have a number of products (Reader, Flash, Shockwave) and turning off automatic updates for those may require a bit more work. Often Shockwave and Flash auto update and I am not sure how you turn that off.

If you open up Adobe Reader, then go into Preferences, then Updater, there is an option to NOT check for updates.

Basically you need to go into each program individually and turn off automatic updates. How to do this will vary between each program.
click on update on all of them its doing that for a reason usually for security
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VHG; Thanks, that sounds like the solution.
degers 316; I appreciate the security angle, but once she has gained more experience and confidence, they can always be switched back on.
ok provide ya not been attacked by then, that's what adobe/ java etc ask you to updates for and Toshiba updated my laptop for firmware

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Unwanted Updates On Startup

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