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Windows 8 Chimes

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zebo | 09:52 Mon 17th Oct 2016 | Computers
11 Answers
How can I disable these horrors or stop them appearing randomly? I've had to have a new hard drive and I've lost my free W10, forgotten how much I hated the chimes!


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If you'ved your previous windows 8 licence number, you should be able to upgrade again.
I don't think one is able to upgrade again to Windows 10 as a free install.
The free offer ended on the 29th July this year and anyone who upgraded and then opted to revert to Window 8, 8.1 or W7 are now stuck with their original Operating System; unless an install disc is purchased for W 10.

However, I am always open to being proved wrong. Perhaps therefore Tuvok will explain why she thinks one can upgrade again, for free.

I am sorry that I Do Not know what chimes to which you have made reference, because I have never experienced Windows 8. I am still using Windows Vista on my PC ( being used at this very moment to post) and W7 on my laptop.


Thanks Tuvok for the link, it is indeed very interesting. However I note that it does say....."There will be no need to purchase a new copy of Windows 10 provided it is being installed on the same Windows 7 or 8.1 machine that was upgraded to Windows 10".

It is the case that zebo has had a new hard drive and in effect has a new machine, without a copy of Windows 10 installed.

Now to try and help zebo get rid of the annoying Chimes. Click the following link and scroll down and you will then read :- "I used to work in IT and I can tell you that 95% of the time people call me in for this issue, is when a USB 2.0 adapter (mostly phone chargers) are connected to a USB 3.0 port. Unplug all USB cables, this will fix it". :-


If you read the article it saya MAJOR changes eg. motherboard.

Zebo - give it a try - you can revert within 30 days.
If changing a Hard Drive is Not a Major instance, I don't know what is.

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Thank you folks, sounds like my evening's determined for me, I'll let you know if I'm successful on either task!
Yep, I did it on my pc after I charged the hard drive to a SSD. No problem at all.
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Belated thanks for all your replies, I reinstalled Windows 10 through the Microsoft website, it was very easy although long-winded, being here in Norfolk! It gave two options, either input the product key number or tick the reinstall box.
Also: with this chime annoyance I found that if your streaming music The chime displaces the stream

I fully appreciate what the chimes do and they are warning bells

For what its worth

I never turn my Imac off. instead I put it to sleep. So the chime as it starts is not heard by the whole house.

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