Sending An Email in The AnswerBank: Computers
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Sending An Email

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goodgoalie | 12:11 Fri 20th Jan 2017 | Computers
5 Answers
If I want to send the same email to, say, ten people, but don't want the recipients to see the names of the other recipients, do I put one address in the main address box, and the other nine in Bcc?
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Put your own address in the main box and all ten others in the BCC - then no-one sees any address except yours.
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Thanks for that. Didn't realise you could send an email to your own email address!
Oh - I've been putting all addressees in bcc but not putting my own in the send box. Does that make any difference?
I think some email programs require an address in the send box - if yours works with an empty box then that's fine.
Thanks sunny-dave - much appreciated.

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