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S.l.o.w Laptop.

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Tilly2 | 18:45 Tue 21st May 2019 | Computers
41 Answers
Whay, all of a sudden is it taking at least a quarter of an hour for my laptop to get onto the Chrome/Google page?
I have run C Cleaner and Malwarebytes and AVG virus scanner but nothing seems to be speeding it up.

Also, my laptop is getting very warm, underneath, after a few minutes usage.


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Hello? Is there anybody out there?
I’m not saying this to be funny, but have you tried turning it off and on again? My laptop does funny things when it’s been on for a while.
Also, if it’s quite old it might just be filling up with stuff that’s slowing it down.
Could also be high internet usage in your area.
If you could indicate whether the machine and/or operating system is/are 32bit or 64bit, that would help those who might have advice to offer.
If it's getting hot then it sounds like the fan.
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Karl, how do I find that out?
To find out 32 or 64bit, type 'control panel' in the search box, then go to the top listed item and open it, scroll down to 'System' and click on it.
You can also let us know what version of Windows your on?

Have you tried switching off your router for about 30secs and restarting it?
It might be downloading a big update. Just leave it switched on for a few hours.
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64 bit, Windows 7, Chrome.
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Hoppy, I can't leave it switched on for hours. It gets too hot. It's also up to date as far as downloads. Thank you anyway.
The chances are that it needs the dust removed from the inside as it tends to clog-up the fan. You need to remove the back cover and clear it out. Some back covers just slide off; others need some screws removing. I usually use a can of compressed air and blow it out.
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BHG, it has nineteen screws in the back. Do they all have to come out?
How old is it Tills? Assuming it is getting on if running w7. The getting hot problem sounds familiar. Firstly are you ensuring all the vents and ducts are unobstructed when it is on? ie not blocked with a cushion on your lap for instance. Despite their name a lap is not a good place for a laptop. Next inspect the vents and ducts, can you see that they are not filled with fluff? You may I feel have to open up the lappie and check the heat sink and ensure that the fan is turning unimpeded(by said fluff). The fan bearings are not what can be described as military grade and do not last much longer than 6 or 7 years depending on usage so I would guess that you will need to change the fan regardless. Empty your recycle bin, get rid of unused or unwanted apps, clear the cache and most importantly get rid of one or more of your security "programmes". You certainly do not need more than one programme or they tend to clash and are renowned users of pc resources. Make sure that you have a back up of all your important files on an external storage device Tills. Important!
There is also a laptop tray with built in fan you can get to sit computer on. This helped mine. Think I got it from Amazon
No, probably not. There is usually an easily-removable panel which allows you to get to the hard disc and memory cards and that is what you need to remove.
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Thank you all for your advice.
My laptop sits on the table. I usually put a book under it to lift it up from the surface. I can't remember when I bought it but it must be at least six years old. I do have a new laptop but tend to use this one more often as it's usually easier to navigate.

I shall go and get a screwdriver and take the back off and have a look inside later today, when I'm more awake.

Togo, the only security programme I have installed is AVG. I run Malwarebytes, now and again, and also CCleaner.
BTW bhg your 8.08 post must have been coming through as I was typing up. You can use a dry paintbrush and your vacuum cleaner to clean up Tills. I use a small 1 inch brush and the narrow attachment nozzle that increases the suction power when I de-fluff ours.
Have you searched online to see if there is a video that goes through the cleaning of the fan and air ducts for your particular laptop?
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No, Adfa, I haven't. That's a good idea though.

I wasn't expecting it to be so complicated. I thought that I could just do something on screen to fix it. It's the slowness of loading that is so irritating.
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I found one! Thanks, Afa.

Just off to have a look

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