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Office 2007

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jp4stoke | 12:55 Tue 07th Nov 2006 | Computers
3 Answers
Does anyone know when Office 2007 is being released in the UK and how much it will cost?

Thanks for any replies.


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They have finished the code and sent it to be made into CDs.

Large companies will get it during November. Home users not until January 2007.

How much will it cost.

Well they have about 8 different versions depending what products you want to include, and some are retail boxed, others OEM (for prefitting on PC) so there is no one price.

Read more here: ault.aspx
May I ask why you are so interested (genuine question) ?

It will be like Office 2003 (but with a different user interface and the underlying file format has changed).

Office 2007 will have loads of bugs, until they get the first service pack out.

Cant it wait ?

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Many thanks for your reply vehelpfulguy. I am in no rush to buy the new version of Office as I already have the 2003 version and am pretty happy with it, I had been browsing the new Microsoft Office website and was just curious as to when we will be able to buy the new version, but if you say that it would be better to steer clear of it for a while, then that is what I shall do.

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