I'm using the above software to burn DVDs (sort of!). However, the progress bar gets to about 3/4 of the way and then stops. I have left the computer on overnight and in the morning it is still in the same place. If i try to stop the burning, a message appears that states the disk is burning but when I do eventually stop it, it says that burning has been successful but there is still no data on the disk.
Tried nero startsmart again to no avail. Disk is just rejected and i've tried several types of disk so I'm pretty certain that this is not the problem...
ImTOO is still stopping 3/4 of the way through too.
hi scots_fllic, have you ever tried converXtodv its a great piece of software, once you have downloaded the avi you just put it into this program and it converts to dvd all in one go no messing with decoding and it doesnt take long before its ready for you to pop the dvd in and burn, i use it all the time, hope this helps, happymum.
ps, you can find this software in demenoid.com or spynova,