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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
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when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
I had £11 on my payg English orange phone fund but it ran out sometime this year, but I've bought enough phones for this year.
I have a rare headache, bet I get the fluy just when I say I'll never have the jab!!

I bet your hair looks really nice shaney, I like streaky colours, so much more natural. My hair is looking bad at the mo, neither one thing or the other, will either have to have it short in layers or wait for it to grow into something!!

Last tango tonight!
I had a look at the Orange website .It seems you can get these bundles where you get so many free texts etc .with Payg but I haven't got bundles or a fund As long as I make a call or text within six months of buying any top voucher my money stays on the phone.
Yes I'm pleased with my hair Neti ,she's a good hairdresser and it looks better than a flat all over one colour .Have a hot toddy or 600mg and take yourself to bed before it gets a hold of you .
Last Tango was good .What a tangled web they've all woven !
My brother is taking me to the Farm Shop in the morning so we can get salt beef and other bits then to the bakery who sell at the Farmers Market for the lovely bread and rolls .So I'm off to bed .Night all and sleep toight .
Hello all, bit of a disaaaaaaastrous day. Got up this morning to take sis to the coach, put back out in shower but not too bad then we drove to town and got caught in traffic, spent an hour and 10 in the traffic due to an accident, its normally a 20 minute journey max, missed coach so drove straight home, booked sis another ticket online so try again tomorrow. Spent today nursing back and sis has waited on me hand foot and finger bless her. Back much better.
heigh ho, oight oight all
Morning all
Foggy and dry ....but I'll be Ok once I've had a cuppa :)
Hope you're all Ok .
Oh dear ,what a kerfuffle for you Woofy .Hope you feel better now and that things go smoothly today .
Good morning from a cold but sunny island.

Oh poor woofy, what a day, hope sis gets off ok today and your back is better now.

Shaney you are up mighty early, must be dark when you get up, I couldnt do it.

Hope jude and jno are OK, no, I know they are not together, or are they!!!!

Robi get some energy today and whoop around the house.
Morning...much milder today, up in double figures.

Just waiting for my phone to arrive...shaney I can't tell you what a tizzy I got into trying to decipher all the babble about bundles, it wouldn't let me checkout until I'd chosen one. (I don't currently have one either, I just stick £5/10 on occasionally) When it finally dawned on me to try the 'upgrade payg' option it all started to move along and it said I'd continue on the deal I have now. So hopefully all will be the same. Anyway I rang my sis last night and she explained that if you put a tenner on hers she gets x amount of free texts and some internet thrown in to be used within a month. If she doesn't top up by £10 again at the month's end she keeps her credit but doesn't get the added extras. Everything seems complicated to me these days, I must be getting old.

Oh dear woofy, have we got an injury curse now? this is day 3 and half and I'm still struggling with this side strain, it's bloody miserable.... Hope you feel better and your sis gets home safely soon.

I need to whoop(if only) around the shops neti, the house can wait. ....and the washer's still playing silly beggars so I well fed up.
This year I found Orange very helpful, when I explained that I wanted internet on phone without it costing me £1 everytime I checked an email, they put me on another tariff (payg) so almost unlimited internet, plus calls and texts. I did lose my free international calls but that didn't bother me. I put in about £20 amnd that's it when I am inEngland and I still have loads of credit and free internet! Then I explained that Mr N needed a cheap payg for when he was there with no frills and that was super free sim card and I put in £10 and it is still going!! Very pleased with them this year.

Am sitting here freezing, my hands are so cold, but at 15.20 it is way too early to light the fire. It has been pouring down and is all very grey.

Hija has an interview with Citibank tomorrow, she wants another job, doesn't like the one with Travelodge !! que sorpresa!!'s a mobile minefield .I couldn't make head nor tail of those different deals either Robinia .
I'm back from my tour of Norfolk .I think we've been everywhere today ! Beccles,Oulton Broad ,Carlton Colville then on to Long Stratton ....and then back to Morrisons in Lowestoft then home .I'm all shopped out .
Hmmm, shan't try that again. We had chili con carne and I thought chips would be nice for a change, so decided to precook them and just heat them in oven when needed - they were dry as bones, really not too exciting, no nice "chip" taste - what a wally!!! Mr N came home and decided he wanted a quick soup so out came the soupmaker and he bunged some veg in, which worked absolutely fine, but I do not much like soup, and this one tasted bland, nbot a successful kitchen day here at Neti villas!!

Still, am now clean and tucked up in bed waiting for Corrie.
....and they were real chips, I do not do packet frozen ones!!
Hello all, sis safely home and my back is nearly mended. Have I mentioned on here my ongoing stomach upsets? Well I am a fool idiot fool. I have discovered that they are caused by taking ibuprofen grrrrrr. I had a long spell on it for the iffy knee, stopped, then went back on it as i started to up the exercise. I stopped again recently, then started again yesterday as the back went out. Back came the bad tum and the penny finally dropped. I knew it could cause acid tum issues but not the runs.....honestly what an idiot.
I do packet frozen chips!
I reckon packet frozen chips could be at fault there woofy!!! :-)
Ibuprofen is horrible .It upsets my tum too Woofy .But ..I have to take it sometimes for this arthritis.I try to only take it as a last resort though if I'm going somewhere where I have to walk about for any length of time . I'm convinced that all the various arthritis drugs they've pumped into me since I was diagnosed have led to this IBS .
I use frozen chips too ...but I fry them in a wok .Don't like oven chips .
I'm tired ....Oight Oight folks .Sleep toight .
It never bothered me Shaney (ibuprofen) I used it for PMS and the aches and pains caused by work. Two years ago when my first knee played up, it was my pain relief of choice and fine provided I always took it with food.
Absolutely storming outside, TV signal gone, so am watching TV on laptop.

Oight oight all x
am still awake for some unknown reason, dogs are hunting garden
Good morning, seems fine outside after a horrendous night. Off to see medico at 11am, I need a thyroid check-up as havenpt had one for 124 months and am supposded to have one every 6 months but he forgot to put it on the blood test last Feb.

Hope you are all feeling OK today, hope you eventually got to bed woofy!!
good morning all, bed at 2 am and fell asleep some time afterwards, no idea why. back still improving.

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