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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
2161 Answers
when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
Good morning from a cold and damp Ibiza, ignore Accu it is officially 7° not 16° and I love it.

My best friend's was a helicopter pilot in S Africa and he took off and just fell to the ground and was killed, was only 32! I do not like them.
Took headphones back and she slammed the money on the counter, so rude but they hate refunding here.

Happy birthday Vinny.
* friend's son* that should read.
Huh! have you all gone to a birthday party????

Am simmering some chic peas, veg and chorizo and mortadella sausages for later, winter food, yummy!!

Have just replaced the lightbulb in the bedroom, very brave of me cos it is high and I wobble, but I did it, and beggar me it doesn't work! Am leaving it in case it explodes or something, I hate electricity!!

Watching "Holiday on the Buses" cos it's sweet and simple!
Not mortadella that is a spam thingy yuk, I meant butifarra (black sausage which has a slight tinge of aniseed)
Hummm !!! Hope you are all enjoying someone's birthday party - I'm lonely here!!
Shurrup whinging...

It's been a lovely weather and there was a spectacular sunset ...the day was only marred by the world, his coughing wife and their pie munching kids at the shops. Thought I was going to end up with half a greggs pasty all over my coat, I gave her my evil old biddy stare...and then some other loud mouth kept pushing her buggy into my she got 3 stares. Grrrrr
Hello all special hello to Neti the Lonely. My friend and I nipped to Homebase for her to get some paint. I looked at outside lights but need 4 and they only had twos of the ones I liked. Then we went to the chocolate party and i ordered some liqueurs for christmas, proper old fashioned shaped ones.
It are blooming cold here.
Chic pea stew was Ok, but when I first made it I had to strain all the goodies out cos I had used tom triturada which is thick tom mush, which I thought was tinned toms, it tasted so much of tomato it defeated the object so I rinsed it all off and started again, of course the butifarra was all mush by then but very nice.

Tucked up in bed until 10.45 when I shall move to the front room to watch I'm a celeb, cos I like it!!
oight oight all
Bl**dy hell, just wrote a long post and cos I paused too long on a key, it disappeared, bl**dy windows 8, too sensitive.

I repeat- Buenas dias biddies and fossils. The storm raged all night, there were things crashing and banging outside all night, and my side light was flashing on and off, at first I thought it was somwone sinister but it was the storm.

Hija's roof does not appear to have leaked, except in her wardrobe, which we knew was leaking, will have to get everything out and dry it! We have a pointed roof and a flat one, Mr N fixed the pan tiles on the pointy bit, but the flat roof is a begger! He's covered it all over with something red, but will have to have another look.

Just cleared out hija's cupboard (top) not too bad, a whole sackload of teddbears in all sizes and shapes from 1" to 18" which we have collected over the years, they are off to charity shop tomorrow. All her athletic cups and medals are they, aww so sweet!

We are off for a paella today as Tuesday we are going out for an anniversary dinner!
Bonjour...well the sun's gone down so it's almost bonsoir.
Not feeling so good, fed up of being in pain but I've cheered myself up looking at doll's house stuff, some of it is so funny. I've ordered a 'grandma' for my sister's family, she's wearing curlers and an overall... she can turn up unexpectedly, haha.

hello all, grey and mizz here too but the first christmas wreath is up.
Hello all
Hope you're all ok .Are you having an achey day Robinia .Same here ,but I was brave and went to Wilkies and Iceland for some things while it's quiet .
You got the pie munchers ,I got the hummer :) I had to stand well back behind her in the queue .
I've lit an Advent candle and that's it !Time for a snifter .
So cold here, I have central heating on in bedroom, we've been out for a paella and then went to next village, Cala Llonga for an xmas fayre, nothing happening as too damp and cold, back in bed.
I could do with a paella. I'm trying to use up odds and ends from the freezer so found a couple of bits of braising steak which I''ve had simmering on the hob with some mushrooms ,carrots etc .
Next thing I know Mr S is dishing it into a bowl and scoffing it before I've had a chance to do any potatoes .I've just blown my top big time stylee.
I'll braise him round the lughole before long and he can fluffing go out to eat if he can't wait five minutes for the food to be put on the table :)
Beans on tst for me then !
did he eat the lot Shaney? oh naughty man!
Yes he did Woofy and I was annoyed .I shouldn't be because I know he's always hungry and he can't help it but he ate the lot gravy and all .
It seems to be a week for it. My dogs stole my pickle chip and smoked salmon sandwich lunch the other day. I was pretty peeved too.

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