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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
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when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
WEll there was an explosion at the main electricity generator so the whole island was without leccy for almost 3hrs, no coffee!! But up and running again now.
wow Neti, you live in an exciting place!!
Don't I just, sitting outside a cafe drinking water just isn't exotic! Making tomato soup and apple pie for dinner, I have just 3eaten a salad with runner been doused in sesame oil, very nice, then a yogurt and now an apple, am starving!!!
woofy I've sent you a message of FB.
Afternoon all
Pitch dark and drizzling .Hope you're all ok .
Nothing exciting here .The tree and decs are done .
I've spent all morning faffing around ! Time for a snifter I think .
Runner bean salad sounds nice Neti .We've got those tonight with liver ,bacon and mash .Pip pip for now .
answered neti.
All my posting cards and parcels are posted. its a lovely feeling...or maybe that's the second glass of gluhwein lol. After last night, we are having a self indulgent day, hence the booze so early.
Lol Woofy ...I had a drink in celebration of getting the tree to stand upright and not wobble about ,and get the lights untangled .It does look nice though ....really Christmassy .
I moan every year but I love it really and who knows where will be this time next year so I always do it
It's tradition in our house especially Christmas Eve and as much as Mr S grumbles he always loves it when we sing Ihr Kinderlein, kommet and turn all the lights out and there's just the tree lit up .He loves it even more when I dish up the kartoffelsalat und würstchen :)
I have one more pressie to buy which means a trip to to town on Thursday but will go early to avoid the rabble .Not something I can buy on line really and I need to look at it .
I've done a lot of Amazon shopping this year though .
Oh it all sounds very xmassy, you lot of alcholics, I have refrained today, simply because I forgot to imbibe. The tomato soup I made was ace, just like Heinz with the right consistency and we had a packet of toasted crumpets with it, and I made a love small apple pie with cloves in it, Mr N has it with custard, (and No Nella, I do not make custard properly, I use an instant packet!) it was really nice. We have my friend's memorial service tomorrow, the ashes are back, and Mr N is coming with me, which he wouldn't normally do. Will have to wear maroon as I have no bright winter clothes.

Am all cleaned and bathed and bed is clean and bathroom was all clean, love the feeling. Just wait til hija gets here next week, oh dear!
instant packet is proper custard!!
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well, we have got a book about earthquakes in the mail. It is addressed to both of us, so evidently a Christmas present and not something ordered by one of us in a senior moment, but it has come direct from Book Depository with no message. We will have to wait until someone sends us a card or email or something claiming responsibility.
Oh yes packet custard or tins of Ambrosia devon custard or ready made from Morrisons .
I couldn't be be bothered to faff about whisking egg yolks etc .Don't tell the foodies
I just watched Tom Kerridge make a lovely spiced orange cake and Christmas pudding ice cream .I might have a bash at the cake some time .It looked delicious . Oight Oight lovelies ..sleep toight .
jno that's so funny. Many years ago, a package arrived from America for DH, his name, his address. all correct. he opened it and it turned out to be a load of dodgy looking vitamins, body building supplements and ermmm "male performance" stuff. After we'd finished laughing, we took it to the local police station in case it was anything illegal. nice policeman took the package off us and e never heard any more about it....very odd.....
Did the earth move for you Jno ? ......runs
Nite Nite x

naughty list Shaney!
we have been out and got a bit wet and are home again.
Morning all. Am up early as had to go yo correos (post office) and it was heaving and then a class of infants trooped in with teachers and parents and it was bedlam. The were posting their letters to the 3Kings and getting sweets. But I was sorted in 20 mins so having a coffee before getting flowers for this afternoon.
Gosh woody that is 4.30 my time, too early to be coming home and too early to be going out.
Morning all
Dry and dull .Hope you're all ok .
The PO was rammed here too yesterday .Twice Mr S went to post and gave up and this morning it was just as bad .
I got a nice surprise this morning though from my SiL in Australia .An enlarged and framed photo of my brother .It's taken in his workshop where he did all his wood turning .It's really lovely .
Just had a light lunch and now Mr N an I am getting ready for the memorial service.
Shaney that's lovely. Neti, I will be thinking of you. Hope everyone else is well and wizzing around.
Afternoon all...beautiful day here so I sleepwalked to the local shops (bad night). I'd like to finish my xmas shopping further afield, I'll see how I feel.

Jno are you sure the earthquake book wasn't a hint from the neighbours that you've been causing too many rumblings in your building ahem!

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