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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
2161 Answers
when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
Back home now, it was a wo nderful tribute to a wonderful friend. There was a "wake" after, lots of lully food, and wine and meeting up with kids who are now 50!

Now settling in for a quiet warm night, I actually wore high heels for 5 hrs!
wow Neti, I can't wear heels for 5 minutes, never have been able to balance on the things.
Channeling you some get up and feel better Robi.

Everyone else sees to still be wizzing. I had a pottering day today. Back to the PO which wasn't too bad, to send back a pack of paints because I had ordered acrylics and they sent oils, round to my ironing lady to collect my final lot of the year and exchange cards, then i made two trays of cinnamon tree ornaments. You mix powdered cinnamon with apple sauce and PVA glue, cut out shapes with cookie cutters, poke holes in them for ribbon, then dry them in a low oven. They smell lovely.
Final domestic engineering tomorrow then sis arrives and christmas starts.
Blimey Woofy have been busy ! I've not been wizzing at all today .My wizz has gone dizz .Need to do the rest of the bizz but have no fizz .
And well done Neti for wearing high heels for five hours .Five minutes is all I can manage these days and then I have to be sitting down :)
Pleased it went well neti, your legs will ache tomorrow!

Thanks woofy, all energies appreciated. Good news so far is the blood & wee tests are ok, so no infection..just a scan hopefully sometime soon.
I've got two jars of ground cinnamon, probably a tad out of date, I'll have a look for a biscuit recipe.

Oh, btw, I can have a wash for xmas, my water meter bill came, £20 in credit so no rise for next year... hope I get some bath cubes :)
Hi all, my recent post is missing. The high heels were very cheap 3€ but very comfy (wish I had worn them to the wedding in August) but feet are rather sore and achey now, have had hot bath and got pj's and lovely soft boottee slippers and am in bed waiting for Eastenders! Have booked warm lounge for 10am for Last tango! yay!!
Sorry Robi I missed your blood and wee results, and that's wearing 2 pairs of glasses and a slight tipsy seeign double. That's good isn't it, so what is the problem? Hope the nagging pain has gone.
No neti, pain's still there, ranging from sore to sickening and I'm never jumping through hoops but I just feel like I'm wading through treacle :(
Evening all. I've been a bit bizz yesterday and today. Today was tai chi Christmas lunch for 12. That was really good fun. Then I had to come home and clean up and get 2 loads if washing sorted after a long weekend.

Very pleased your test results were ok Robi and I hope you feel better soon.
Pleased all went well for you today Neti. I can't walk far in high heels either but I give them a whirl now and again but they're not very high.

My ticket for The Rams cup match came today and I've had a go on their lotto for £1.50 instead of the national for £2. Wish me luck please.
I'm off to bed early tonight to watch Last Tango. I don't know why I've got into that it's not really my cup of tea. I may just fall asleep while it's on.

Hope you all have a good night. See you tomorrow.
Good news that your tests were Ok Robinia .I expect you'll be glad to have the scan soon as .Hope you feel a bit better now .
Last Tango was good .
Goodnight all .Sleep toight .
Good morning.

So Ronnie Biggs has died.

Sunny and chilly here. Meeting my boring friend for coffee cos I feel sorry for her and it's her 70th birthday on 26th. She is her own worse enemy and has few friends.
Hey good news, just had a phone call from Pensions and they have paid me the Winter fuel payment, that'll please Mr N, and I can heat my bedroom now!!
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well, thank goodness my hard-earned money is going to warm up a refugee who spends 11 months a year complaining of the heat, except when she's sneaking back in here pretending to be a Bulgarian asylum-seeker. We're all in this together, you know.

Bright and sunny here... but it's going to be heavy rain and gales tonight and down to 5 degrees, I shall probably be burning the notification of my winter fuel payment to keep warm.
Morning all...bright & breezy gusts, looks like a battening down the hatches job from this afternoon onwards.

Good for you neti, that's you toasty this xmas and me scrubbed and fragrant...anyone got lights?

Loved Last Tango too, it never disappoints and the real test is I never fall asleep.
I still pay my taxes in Inglaterra, so jolly well deserve this payment, wish they would backdate for 9 yrs, wow we'd all have a biddy holiday. And we need payment to keep cool in the summer., works both ways you know.
Gave the postperson an xmas box of chox yesterday and today I received 2 parcels and 10 xmas cards, defo worth the 3€!!
were they actually meant for you neti? :)

I'm having a sea food lunch...salmon paste sarnies and prawn cocktail crisps.
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how long had he been hanging on to them, neti? Probably gives you a year's backdated mail once he gets his choccies. I don't tip the servants here, as they always seem to take Christmas Day off without even asking me.
Hello all
Very windy here and looks a bit grim out there,therefore have postponed my trip into town until tomorrow .Hope you're all Ok .
The post woman has been away on a course for 1 month, to become a manager and the stand-in was totally lost, couldn't even find the houses in town let alone straggling ones like mine, up hill and down dale, so as soon as she was back I bunged her the choccies and lo and behold there appeared on the doorstep a multitude of mail. One packet even had £100 in it! I m amazed!! Post takes at least 4 weeks to get delivered here, worse than useless they are, so now Mrs Postperson delves in the sacks and gets mine! Yay!
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Post takes a month to arrive....

But when it comes it has £100 in it....

Okay, I'm going to switch to the Spanish system.

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