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Windows Live Messenger on Apple iMac!?!?

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hollie1586 | 21:43 Mon 09th Apr 2007 | Computers
2 Answers
does anyone know if windows live messenger can be installed on an Apple iMac computer?!?



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I don't think so -but this is for Mac and interacts with WLM
You can get several apps that let you use MSN on a mac,

- official Microsoft client
- AdiumX
- amsn

and a few others

none do all the new 'live' features, though most are pointless really for doing what you want to do on there. the best is adium, as the interface is so beatuiful. however, it doesn't do webcam support, which amsn does. the microsoft one is a poor substitute.

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Windows Live Messenger on Apple iMac!?!?

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