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Printer problems

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lynbrown | 21:51 Mon 09th Apr 2007 | Computers
3 Answers
I can print Word docs and have printed off a Printer Test Page but i cannot print off anything from my webpages e.g. BBC Skillwise. Any clues?


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im not sure what your problem is however if you need to print something off urgently I would suggest copy and pasting the words from the webpage to a word document.
If you use a printer (such as many of the Canon range) which adds a toolbar to Internet Explorer (for ease of printing webpages), it's probably a problem with the toolbar. In which case, try reinstalling the printer software.

If you're trying to print directly from Internet Explorer (either by using File>Print or Ctrl>Print), then it's likely to be a problem with Internet Explorer itself. You could try downloading and reinstalling Internet Explorer but it would be far easier to switch to a better browser, such as Firefox, which will (hopefully) allow you to print your webpages once again.

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I cannot download the Firefox link.

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