I have a BT line and a free ISP. My monthly costs have gone up considerably recently, probably due to AB, and I am considering going onto a fixed monthly tariff. The problem is that I don't want to change my e-mail address. Is there any way I can change my ISP and retain my existing address?
I changed from AOL to BT Yahoo and kept my email name but the bit after @ has to change. Before AOL we were with Waitrose and Tesco before that and I have kept the same name all along. You only have to change if someone else has registered the same name as you before you register
I have a freeserve email account which I still use despite being on ntlworld exclusively for the last 3 years. The only things I have to do are: 1) use the smtp.ntlworld.com to send mail from freeserve 2) reactivate the freeserve account every 3 months or so.