Is there any way to disable the Caps Lock Key on a computer keyboard? It is the bane of my life and if a keyboard was brought out without one for all non typists like myself, it would be a winner.
The screams can be heard up and down the land when one finally looks up from the keyboard to find that you've written THE LAST CHUNK OF TEXT IN CAPITAL LETTERS!!!!
but if you click on start > control panel and then double click accessibility options and put a tick in the "use toggle keys" option at the bottom and click OK it should beep at you whenever you press the caps lock key.
That should at least give you some warning you've pressed it.
The best way in my experience (and this is what I have done), is simply to remove the key. That way you don't have to fanny around with the registry, and you can never type a whole paragraph in capitals again.
These people do a piece of donationware called FirstCap, it is extremely customisable and you can disable completely the caps lock function as well as have it beep at you if you type more than a certain amount of characters in upper case and loads of other options. It can be a little flaky if your 'puter goes to sleep and may result in false positives but killing it and restarting fixes it ok.
Why do you use the Caps Lock key; is this by accident? or is it, as my OH does, do you use it for an initial capital and then forget to take it off. If this is the case, just train yourself to use the shift keys instead. I have helped my OH to use the correct fingers for each key and after struggling a bit at first he can now type much faster and with fewer errors.
No, I hit it by accident and I'm very grateful for all the answers I've had. Also my OH uses it after the pub. He won't be told that he's "shouting " at people, so I've got a good mind to take the key off HIS pc. Ha!!