i have the icon in tray for update,its for silverlight kb960353,i have tried several times but it fails to download,the update icon comes back in tray repeatedly,i suppose untill i can download it it will continue to appear,unless someone knows a answer to get rid,would it be better to uninstall silverlight ,what does it do. thanks for any help.
do you turn off the comp or put it in standby by without out giving it time to download ,i'd leave it running for a while after clicking download update for at least 15 mins it should then install at shut-down if you follow what it says on the shut-down screen
thanks for the reply,I get the shield icon when i want to close/shut down, i choose to update before shutdown ,it runs thro the procedure of download then automatic shutdown as the download has finished,on restart later ,i get the notification 1 update to be installed,i click update only to find its the silverlight update,on checking update history each download reads failed ,on every attempt to download. ive tried to do.
Alan r,
thanks anway,i have managed to get a e-mail off to microsoft support,apparently its free for such troubles,they mean to answer within 8 hours ,lets just wait.