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user account security

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fatgaz | 10:07 Wed 24th Jun 2009 | Computers
6 Answers
is there any way i can stop my little brother from hacking int to my user account on my pc when he comes to visit.i have password protected my account so i have to enter it when i log in, but when i go the shops or am already out and he comes round to visit he gets into my account and moves things around for laugh. although he wont touch the wife account, please help befor i KILL HIM!!!!!!!!!


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Take your mouse/keyboard with you?
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possability but that would restrict the wife from using the computer
Okay, leave her signed on while you are out if your brother won't touch her account.... or take him with you
Have you tried changing your Windows password?

If you do that does he still get in?

If he does then get him a job working for a PC security company as he has some useful skills there.

Not being flippant, but if you change your Windows password and he still gets in then he should put his skills to good use instead of wasting them.
On some computers you can create a BIOS password.

You enter it before going in to Windows.

This will be held in the motherboard at the hardware level.

This will be almost impossible for him to crack.
Actually it's worryingly easy to crack a windows password!

But that aside, change your password (as VHG says) and also right click on my computer, select manage, then, in the left pane in the window that comes up, click the little + next to local users and groups, click on the users folder and then in the right pane go through all users listed there and either disable ones that aren't being used or change/set the password on all of them.

You could set the bios password, but be aware that in doing that if you forget that password on some systems it can render your motherboard unusable and your left with no choice to replace it! (or get down and dirty swapping bios chips on the board!)

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user account security

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