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alison6399 | 11:52 Tue 11th May 2010 | Computers
8 Answers

I bought Norton Internet protection last year when I bought my lap top and the annual protection is due to expire in 29 days. I received a reminder from Norton to say that renewing my subscription for another year would cost about £80, wnich is four times the amount I originally paid!!!

Does this sound right? i checked out Amazon and I can buy a new version 2010 of Norton for under £25. Can I buy a new updated (cheaper )version or do I have to upgrade (expensive) the version I already have? Please help. Thanks


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Buy the cheaper version! if it's a totally different package you may have to remove the one you have now and install the new version. But £80 is a huge amount for a single license!
I have been using Norton in various forms for years and I have always been able to buy a new disc locally cheaper than renewing licence online.
Get rid of Norton as soon as you possibly can! Far too invasive - and slows your machine down a treat! There are many free alternatives....
Also as Chuck says you may need to remove the existing software before installing from new disc. This may need you to download a special removal tool from the Norton site as some of these programs built-in options do not fully remove them.
this one is cheaper

free postage too
If you want to stick with Norton you'll need this special tool to remove the old version:
(You can't remove Norton from the control panel)

Most of the 'regulars' around here would probably suggest that you should simply ditch Norton and use the free software that's available. See my post here for a list of the most popular products:

Just read this......and ordered Norton 2010 from W H Smith.....NEARLY just renewed it on the computer at £ 44.99 ! Thanks Dot!
If you go into your local independant PC shop (not a chain) and ask them what they think of Norton you won't find many compliments.

Do you have slow start up? Slow response for mundane tasks?

Theres a reason that as dot has said you need a special tool to get rid of it.

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