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Email problems - unable to send.

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janbee | 11:06 Sun 10th Jul 2011 | Internet
5 Answers
Your advice please...has anyone else had problems replying to or sending emails on hotmail? When I try, I get the message "to stop spammers, we sometimes ask you to enter characters before sending your message". When I then click on that message, I get a page where I have to enter two (given) words and then press continue. I haven't done this. Is this a genuine message or a spam? Has anyone else had this problem and message? If anyone can help or advise me, I would be most grateful. Thank you.


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Capcha ..

Appearing everywhere now.
There may be criteria for when it appears .. like multiple recipients .. or ones not in your address book .. or loads of inline replies.

Not heard of on Hotmail .. but ok in my book : )
It's nothing to worry about. It just makes sure you are real and not a bot.
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Thank you both for your prompt replies. I really appreciate your help. Thanks again.
You must be real then .. you came back and said thanks : )
Not many do.
Pardon my ignorance, but what's a bot?

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Email problems - unable to send.

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