having big problems with my plusnet connection when i was with orange i had no problems ,my home phone line (now plusnet) is clear as a bell (done a quiet line test). going through the diagnostics on the plusnet manager and get to the section "have you tried a different router" and i say no i dont have one they come back with the answer purchase another router its is cheaper than have an plusnet engineer to come out,well my router is only 2 months old thats how long i've been with plusnet so shouldn't that have a warranty with it?
i'm going to contact them by phone but would like your comments first thanks
I've not taken a great deal of notice, but I'm sure on their TV ad I've seen something 'flash-up' briefly about 'only applies to certain areas' or similar,
I can't comment on your problem directly but I was with Plusnet for a few years and on the rare occasions I had a problem I always found their customers services very helpful. I doubt you will be charged for a new router as long as you've done nothing to it.