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Robinia | 14:53 Sat 18th Aug 2012 | Internet
2074 Answers
I've just registered with a large garden supplies website and when I went to log on this message came up..
"Although this page is encrypted, the information you have entered is to be sent over an unencrypted connection and could easily be read by a third party".
(There's the option to cancel or continue)
Is it anything to worry about? I don't shop on the internet very often, I'm a bit paranoid. :)


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That's brilliant.I have seen it before in an email someone sent but it's great to watch
I'll have to practice some of those moves for when I want to whip my hanky out from my knicker leg.
Hi all. Jno I've seen that on FB. It's very clever to manage to be so graceful with all those things hiding in the clothing.
I've just finished painting one wall of the back bedroom.
Going to do it a bit at a time cos I don't particularly like doing it and I get fed up after about an hour.
My decorator is coming n. Few days to see what he's going to do.
I've also decided to have a new kitchen floor. Not laminated again.
I've ruined the one I've got with too much watery cleaning!!!
Didn't mean to end there. Just want to say hope you're all ok and havin a peaceful and pain free weekend.
I'm off to Leicester tomorrow with my 2 sisters to meet up with our cousin again for lunch so I'll See y'all later.
lol Jude, you should see me just trying to get a tissue out of my sleeve without having half the world wondering what I'm about. I suppose I could distract the audience by setting off a small thermonuclear device somewhere in the auditorium.

Flu jab tomorrow.
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Taa daa! as if by magic the cheese grater reappeared. It was in the oven....where else?

Of course that's where it was Robi. I understand these strange occurances.
Thanks for reminding me Jno. I have to go for my FJ sometime now!,

Goodnight all. I'm upstairs ironing and watching the telly.
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Morning all... dark, wet and windy.. ugh! Just typical, I'm having a very rare good hair day and the frizzometer is off the scale.

Here you are Jude, a decorating suggestion for you....I don't charge for my design services :)
sheesh, it's like Typhoon Flujabbia has arrived out there. Good weather for pigeons as they wait to pounce on worms who come up to see what's going on.
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Oh hello jno, I was beginning to think everyone had been washed away. It's dire and I haven't been out, I don't need anything that desperately...and I haven't got anything monsoon proof. Why are most waterproof jackets so short? I don't want a wet backside, tut.
Lol Robi that's brilliant! Trip to Leicester has been cancelled because there was hold ups on the Sky Bus Route so we are going another day.
I have just come back from town having spent some of my Birthday cash from Steady. I've bought a wool dress/tunic whatever they're called from M & S and a new real leather belt from Accessorise. A shop I never go in coz it's so expensive so thanks Steady for paying £22 for it!
Going to do a Sainbury shop after lunch. Is have no idea why I've started have my dinner in the evenings I never used to.
I felt that cold this morning it was a winter coat day and an umbrella I couldn't use coz it was too windy.
Anyhow see ya later gaters.
Corrections:- were holdups and I've no idea! I know it's not a grammar lesson but I do like to get it right! hee hee
Hello all
It's blowing a gale and raining .Very dismal .Hope you're all ok though .
I've got to go for my flu jab on Saturday.
I've sussed out how to get any music I've bought on Amazon streamed onto my tablet. Amazing .I'll be twitting soon :)
hello all. vile weather here too. Dogs have been upset since 5am, just settled now and I have got a stonker of a headache. moan groan grumble.
oh shaney, I used to buy music on Amazon for my Ipod, and then they changed the system and I couldn't see where it was going any more. Now I mostly take it from YouTube.

Can't remember if I've linked to this one before.
Hello all, been warm and sunny today. Been rushing hither and thither doing all sorts for Mr N and hija, got hair cut rather short, then washing and ironing, found a terrific grout whitener in a tube with sponge applicator. Its grill I've been whitening everything in sight. Usually have to wear a mask and bleach.
Twitting Shaney? Tweeting!
Its brill
ooh, I'll have some of that for me teef
...but first, you 'ave to 'ave teef jno!!
I'm getting more all the time! It's just a matter of having new ones installed faster than old ones fall out. I'm about five behind at the moment.

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