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Robinia | 14:53 Sat 18th Aug 2012 | Internet
2074 Answers
I've just registered with a large garden supplies website and when I went to log on this message came up..
"Although this page is encrypted, the information you have entered is to be sent over an unencrypted connection and could easily be read by a third party".
(There's the option to cancel or continue)
Is it anything to worry about? I don't shop on the internet very often, I'm a bit paranoid. :)


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Thanks for the earworm Jno .... I'll be totally dizzy lizzy wizzy soon :)
It's been a real cuppa soup day here and I hovered near the thermostat but decided to put me thick cardi and uggs on instead .I dread having to put the heating on.Mr S of course being a stoical old german doesn't feel the cold.
I watched Grantchester .Very good .I've read the books and they didn't mangle them.
Goodnight all ,sleep toight.
i enjoyed Grantchester too. its been an intersting day in Lake Wobegon. you may remember it started with panic snd pacing. We had a pretty restless day of it, then when i decided to go to bed i found i had no water. i called the water board who sent a nice man out who found that someone had turned my stopcock off at the meter. i have no idea who or why. anyway went to bed snd woke at 2am with a storm right overhead. we are finally settled and hopefully will sleep soon. That is the end if the news.
oh dear, sounds like the Phantom Stopcock Twiddler of Hampshire has struck again. This sort of thing never happened before we went over to metered water
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Morning all...nothing good about it, just dark and wet agin.

oh dear, another mizzy, dizzy, lizzy here in the Dale of Despond. The SAD has kicked in and it's only October. Lightbulbs going and then the smoke alarm kept bursting into high pitched song for no reason. Maybe it's the combination of damp weather and putting the heating on (yes, I gave in, I hate being cold)...or maybe there's a family of vine weevil inside it. Oh pee po...

Loved Grantchester, easy viewing for my befuddled brain.

looks like a nice sunny day here apart from a little note of dampness making an appearance at 6pm.
Morning dizzies
Nice and bright atm,windy though and chilly. We gave in and put the heating on for while first thing .Too cold in the bathroom . I'll be like a dried prune come next March .
Spooky Robinia ,we had a bulb go this morning ! Perhaps the battery's going in your smoke alarm .Ours pip on and off when they need a new one .
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By 'eck, that wind reaches the parts and its raining again now. I had to force myself out of the door but I did feel better once I'd got moving ...just grabbed some basics and scuttled back home.
Shaney it's a wired in alarm, no battery, but it's all quiet so far today. It probably was a spider or dust or a change of atmosphere. I'll see how it goes.

Think I'd better dig out the lobbies and rearrange my vests into tog ratings, I certainly wasn't warm enough earlier.
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Lobbies??! Tut....libbies.
Morning all.
Woofy someone is always turning my stopcock off too. Its in another building in another street so guess they don't area
Lovely day here, off to see eye doctor at 5.
I too enjoyed Grantchester, nice and homely. Is he in love with that girl?
Eh? Don't realise, that should be.
He is Neti but she marries someone else .She's a very rich heiress.He's a poor parson .I've read the books .
I won't spoil it for you by telling what happens :)
Well i found out how my water got turned off and I am fuming. I thought it was a stupid prank so when i saw my neighbour I nipped out and asked him if he had had a problem. "Oh yes" he says casually "I know about that. I had workmen in yesterday and he didn't know which stopcock was mine so he turned them all off and he must have forgotten to turn yours on again." Now I was in all day yesterday so he could have come and asked and I would have told him which mine was. But what really got up my nose was no apology whatsoever GRRRR
Turn your hose on him accidentally when he walks past next time Woofy :)
Good idea Shaney. This is the same bloke who cleans the outside of his upstairs windows by closing the window on a piece of thin rope/thick string with a knot in it, then getting off the ladder and walking up the roof, leaning back with his weight on the string. proof that there is an angel who looks after idiots.
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It makes you wonder how some people ever made it to adulthood woofy.
What's with all this water business. Apparently I've got something wrong with mine in a morning to do with the pressure of the water pump. This morning when I flushed the loo or switched off a tap or when my washer filled with water there was a loud knocking in the pipes all over the house. It usually just gives one small clunk but today it's been clunk, clunk clunking for a number of seconds every time. My 'Friend' said what it was in words I didn't understand and not to worry. But I doooo! What would you do.
I've been that cold today. When we meet up for Tai Chi we go to a scout hall and it has heating so at half time I sat with a cup of coffee in my hand and my feet on the radiators.
Anyway, had a lovely lunch and a good laugh with my friends at The Carpenters. We were talking about our days at Sainsburys and some of the customers. We weren't being disrespectful it's just that some of them were really comically and memorable.
Also we had some embarrassing moments. Well I did. I apologised profusely to a customer having said 'Excuse me please sir' and when he turned round it was a lady. I felt so sorry and have never forgotten it.
Time for a cuppa tea now. The sun is coming out after a very wet day. Have a good evening Biddyfriends. Hoping you're all as well as can be!
Been to hospital, had eyes poked and stayed and photographed, even got a prescription, but no idea what it is. When I asked eh eye mexico said 'it's - oh just take the medicine'. He was running 3consulting rooms at the same time, and the place heaving with kids, and old people wiping weepy eyes.
Woofy and ideas as to this eye med? Optava fusion 10ml -CN169884.1
Says Dry eye! Dry eye my a***! its weeping all over the place.
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I've been bloomin cold too Jude, I put some winter socks and a quilted body warmer on earlier. Nice to see some sun now but it's a bit late in the day. Could you give your plumber friend a call or is that who you've already spoken to? I worry about house problems too, especially in the winter.

Neti a pharmacist once explained to me that when you have dry eyes they run because they overcompensate.

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