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Robinia | 14:53 Sat 18th Aug 2012 | Internet
2074 Answers
I've just registered with a large garden supplies website and when I went to log on this message came up..
"Although this page is encrypted, the information you have entered is to be sent over an unencrypted connection and could easily be read by a third party".
(There's the option to cancel or continue)
Is it anything to worry about? I don't shop on the internet very often, I'm a bit paranoid. :)


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Good morning all, golly my typing was bad yesterday!!!

Have several things to do then meet sisters then prepare lunch and then cook a dinner, gets jolly tiring.
Morning all
Grim out out there today , sloshing it down .
I got up and now I've come back to bed ...the butler will bring my tea and toast shortly .
Hope you're all ok .
Another wild night here but not too bad, much pacing and restlessness but no panic. Last year we had one night like this and the fuss made was amazing, do you remember? This year we have had more than a week of storms and gales and there has been no media hooraw about it at all.
it seems to have rained quite a bit in the night, but basically if it's not during the day and not in London, you won't hear much fuss made about it.

Dentist at lunchtime, I forget what for exactly; I'd better ring and ask.
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Morning all....oooh what crip weather! Been back down mexico way, he's still not overly concerned and repeated his thoughts re a combination of diverticulitis/ibs/anxiety... with some algia thrown in. I asked him what he thought I should do and he's sending me to the gastro clinic at the hospital to talk to them. He said they may do a ct scan but in the meantime I can go back and see him if I need to which is very reassuring. I mentally stuck a pin in the mean woman gp's pic as I passed it. :)

I'm pleased you had a good one squiffibiza....
.....hahaha, squiffibiza comes up as an option on predictive text. :)

I won't be going back to bed, the butler's on a gap year, but I won't be doing a lot either.
I have showered, the dishwasher has run, the washing is in and the rubbish is ready to be put out in the morning. This is no mean achievement at the moment.
Apparently we had lots of rain last night but still hot and 'umid today
two steps forward one step back with my teeth but the fact that one seems to be crumbling means I can have a bridge instead of three separate teeth in two separate lots of treatment, which will probably save me a thou or two in the long run, though it won't be till next year they're all in place.
My Dh had a fixed bridge on implants . I understand you can now get them that slot on and off the implants which makes cleaning easier.
I just had clams and king prawns baked in olive oil on a bed of chunks potato onion and lemon. It was delicious and really easy.
I cooked meat and pot pie and buttery cabbage for the sisters and Mr N, honestly, tired out! Has a UPS delivery of a lovelyposh food hamper from niece and nephew, delicious! Luckily the isters can get BBC1 in their room so they trot off in time to watch it, so am bathed and back in bed, will watch Grantchester then sleep!
we dined with jno jnr by the riverside (Grand Union Canal, actually). Must be up early tomorrow as I plan to visit a couple of exhibitions befofre lunch. Oight oight all!*

*this doesn't mean I'll fall asleep before 3am, obviously.
busy busy Jno! Shughy seems to have decided that rain even fairly heavy rain with wind isn't dangerous which is a huge stop forward. Oight oight all
Morning all
It isn't raining and it's sunny atm.I felt so grotty yesterday and had done since Sat.The weather didn't help either .I wondered if I had a reaction to that flu jab as I haven't felt too good since I had it.
My neck and ears ached and my glands were sore but it seems to have gone off now .
We're off down mexico way later on for an annual MOT. I hope you feel more reassured after your visit Robinia .
I have to get into gear,as visitors coming tomorrow .Old friends from London who moved up to Cambs last year .Pip pip for now.
good morning all We are here and awake and the rubbish is out for the bin men. So far so good.
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Morning all...more wild, wet 'n windy, real feel 4C here but it seems to be brightening up. The garden's looking like me, bedraggled.

You're busy for an insomniac jno...looks like you've just missed the British Dental exhibition in London though, it was last week.

Good luck shaney, hope you pass with flying colours. I know how you felt, I was exactly the same on Friday, just as if someone had thrown a switch and put me on low power. Saturday I pulled myself out of it to go shopping...and Sunday it was back again. I get fed up of pulling myself together...but the mexico did willingly give me some dizzy pills to keep me upright. :)
I sometimes dread how I'll be feeling if I live another 20 yrs but Sheila Hancock made me laugh yesterday when asked about being 80+...she said, 'I've always felt unwell really so I don't feel any different'
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I'm going daft...but you knew that. I'd marked on the calendar to renew my bt broadband contract on/around the 15th Oct and I was just psyching myself up for it when I decided to check the paperwork (so I could ask for the same deal but preferably cheaper, lol....fat chance I suppose). It should be 15th Jan. Silly ole biddy.

I enjoyed Grantchester again last night...hope none of you missed it.
Hello all. Poor shaney hope you feel better, I won't have the flu jab ever, I am scared of a reaction.

Robi I am like my garden wild and exotic (!!) definitley wild looking.

I love my sisters but it's getting a bit much now, one rabbits non stop and just isn't aware of anything around her, and the other is all bossy and organising, which drives Mr N crazy, he likes a quiet life so he is a bit shaken up when he comes home at lunchtime to find them eating yet again. But they left early today as we need a bit of peace. Meeting later for dinner. Had a lovely parcel from hija today full of lovely packets of sweets and choc bars!! heavens if I am not diabetic now I soon will be!! No won't eat them all, will allow Mr N to have a nibble!!

4 more cards today all with money flowing out, ooh have bought some new suede trainers with a furry inside, and new sleeveless vest to go under my modern top so it doesn't all hang out and a shaped bra with a unistrap which also won't show under a new top!

Have had a good time, but won't be sad to get back to my normal quiet life now!!

Me with oldest sister.
what, are their people hiding behind those jeroboams of wine??
now that's the sort of lunch I like! Robi, I haven't seen Grantchester yet, its on vid as I watched New Tricks. I think Sheila Hancock is amazing.

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